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Measure, Reduce, Offset

We have a plan to eliminate our products’ carbon footprint, and it’s already in action. First, we measure the emissions of everything from their raw materials to their end of life. Next, we reduce our impact by incorporating things like natural and recycled materials. And finally, we offset the little bit that’s left with carbon offsets, making Allbirds a completely carbon neutral business. But our goal is bigger—emit no carbon in the first place. We can create a sustainable future, but only if we hold each other accountable.

What’s In A Footprint?

“the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual, organisation or community.” Carbon Footprint Official Definition By The World Health Organization. According to WHO, a carbon footprint is a measure of the impact your activities have on the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced through the burning of fossil fuels and is expressed as a weight of CO2 emissions produced in tonnes.


Typically, a carbon footprint is calculated by estimating not just the CO2 emissions that the activity in question causes, but also any emissions of other greenhouse gases (such as methane and nitrous oxide) and in some cases other types of climate impacts as well, such as vapour trails from aeroplanes. For simplicity, all these impacts are added together and expressed as a single number in terms of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e): the amount of CO2 that would create the same amount of warming.

Our Carbon Footprint

Loreum Impsum             +5.7 kg CO2e

Loreum Impsum             +5.7 kg CO2e

Loreum Impsum             +5.7 kg CO2e

Loreum Impsum             +5.7 kg CO2e

Loreum Impsum             +5.7 kg CO2e

Loreum Impsum             +5.7 kg CO2e


Our ambition is to be like a tree, leaving the environment cleaner than we found it. That’s why we believe in the power of natural materials, and their potential to transform ecosystems. We’re looking beyond carbon neutrality, which means eventually, our business will be carbon negative. The manufacturing technology developed specifically for these products employs bio-derived raw materials which allow for a lighter environmental impact compared to standard processes.


A Carbon offset is a way to compensate our products and it’s manufacturing emissions with investing on raw materials which are emission proof, by funding an equivalent carbon dioxide saving elsewhere. We’ll do our best by opting on the emission proof materials which eventually helps in removing our carbon footprint and to fund projects that neutralise our footprint