WordPress Website Optimization


Hire Freelancer
Website Design

We believe that good design can transform and drive brand experience.


Hire WordPress
Website Designer

Web Design Is The Process Of Collecting Ideas And Aesthetically.



We are using custom technique and plugin for SEO optimization.


Hire Designer for
Startup Business

Profit making is all about making the rightful usage of resources.


Hire Eye Catching
Website Designer

Make the first impression with professional web designs that works.


Hire Festival
Artwork Designer

We provide Festival Art work Design for social post and get attention of your clients.

Call us at +91 81407 33923 or Email us at info@akdezigns.com

We Offer Awesome Designs With Huge Features and Availabilities That Help You Create Unlimited Websites.

Are You Looking For To

Hire dedicated resource from Ahmedabad, India for

Slow site means lower conversion rates. If your site isn’t optimised properly, it can take a lot of unwanted resources and makes the site sluggish which leads to visitors turning away from the site.

My WordPress Speed Optimisation Service boost your site speed that enable you to provide the very best possible user experience.



WordPress security and intruder prevention


Data Safeguard

SSL WordPress websites


Social Media Integration

Integrating social content. Twitter, Instagram and Facebook API usage

Hire AK Dezigns for WordPress Website Optimization

  • Caching setup
  • GZip Compression setup
  • Leverage Browser Caching
  • HTML, CSS and JavaScript Minification
  • Image Optimization

Why Hire a freelancer WordPress Website Optimization

New WordPress Website

Non-ecommerce & ecommerce WP websites
WordPress Website Development

I build mobile friendly WordPress websites with custom made, premium themes and I monetize WordPress websites with WooCommerce. Re-theme & new WordPress websites.

  • Premium & custom WordPress themes
  • Re-theming existing WordPress websites
  • WooCommerce – ecommerce for WordPress
  • Responsive & modern development
  • Enhanced UX features – Plugins

Website Management

For WordPress
WordPress Website Management

I run co-ordinated WordPress management services inline with your advertising and marketing objectives. I carry out regular updates on a month-by-month basis.

  • Evolving website UX & performance
  • Monitoring Google Analytics and adapting WP
  • Adding pages, posts and feature rich plugins
  • Updating WordPress and plugins
  • 3 month commitment

WordPress SEO

Specialist SEO for WordPress
WordPress Website SEO

I engineer WordPress websites to be found and loved by search engines. My WordPress SEO service has been shaped from 6 years experience as a WordPress SEO consultant.

  • Enhanced WP page/post search engine visibility
  • Citations & credible customer service signs
  • Enhanced user experiences
  • Website : commercial goal alignment
  • 3 month commitment